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How Does The Sun Affect My Exterior Paint?

What Causes Exterior Paint to Fade? When looking at the outside of your humble abode, does it appear as if the paint has faded? If so, no need to worry — this is a common problem for many homeowners. The Wichita exterior painting professionals at River City Painting & Remodeling are here to discuss why this happens and how you …

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Is Spring the Best Time to Paint Your Home Exterior?

As spring approaches, homeowners and business owners are gearing up for the long-awaited warmer weather. They’re taking care of their yards, planting flowers, getting new furniture to enjoy the season outside more, and doing other outdoor activities that come with springtime. But what about painting your home’s exterior? Is it too late in the year to get exterior painting done? …

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The Best Paint Colors to Brighten a Room This Winter

The days are getting shorter and we now have very little time in 24 hours to enjoy the sunshine. This transition can be hard for many people. Luckily, by choosing the perfect colors, winter doesn’t have to be so dark and dull this year. Change up the look of the interior of your home to help brighten your days a …